
class composeml.LabelTimes(data=None, target_entity=None, target_types=None, target_columns=None, search_settings=None, transforms=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

The data frame that contains labels and cutoff times for the target entity.


__init__ Initialize self.
apply_lead Shifts the label times earlier for predicting in advance.
bin Bin labels into discrete intervals.
copy Make a copy of this object’s indices and data.
describe Prints out the settings used to make the label times.
equals Determines if two label time objects are the same.
sample Return a random sample of labels.
select Selects one of the target variables.
threshold Creates binary labels by testing if labels are above threshold.
to_csv Write label times in csv format to disk.
to_parquet Write label times in parquet format to disk.
to_pickle Write label times in pickle format to disk.