import json
import os
import pandas as pd
from ..version import __version__
from .description import describe_label_times
from .plots import LabelPlots
[docs]class LabelTimes(pd.DataFrame):
"""The data frame that contains labels and cutoff times for the target entity."""
[docs] def __init__(
super().__init__(data=data, *args, **kwargs)
self.target_entity = target_entity
self.target_columns = target_columns or []
self.target_types = target_types or {}
self.search_settings = search_settings or {}
self.transforms = transforms or []
self.plot = LabelPlots(self)
if not self.empty: self._check_label_times()
def _assert_single_target(self):
"""Asserts that the label times object contains a single target."""
info = 'must first select an individual target'
assert self._is_single_target, info
def _check_target_columns(self):
"""Validates the target columns."""
if not self.target_columns:
self.target_columns = self._infer_target_columns()
for target in self.target_columns:
info = 'target "%s" not found in data frame'
assert target in self.columns, info % target
def _check_target_types(self):
"""Validates the target types."""
if isinstance(self.target_types, dict):
self.target_types = pd.Series(self.target_types)
if self.target_types.empty:
self.target_types = self._infer_target_types()
target_names = self.target_types.index.tolist()
match = target_names == self.target_columns
assert match, 'target names in types must match target columns'
def _check_label_times(self):
"""Validates the lables times object."""
def _infer_target_columns(self):
"""Infers the names of the targets in the data frame.
value (list): A list of the target names.
not_targets = [self.target_entity, 'time']
target_columns = self.columns.difference(not_targets)
assert not target_columns.empty, 'target columns not found'
value = target_columns.tolist()
return value
def _is_single_target(self):
return len(self.target_columns) == 1
def _get_target_type(self, dtype):
is_discrete = pd.api.types.is_bool_dtype(dtype)
is_discrete |= pd.api.types.is_categorical_dtype(dtype)
is_discrete |= pd.api.types.is_object_dtype(dtype)
value = 'discrete' if is_discrete else 'continuous'
return value
def _infer_target_types(self):
"""Infers the target type from the data type.
types (Series): Inferred label type. Either "continuous" or "discrete".
dtypes = self.dtypes[self.target_columns]
types = dtypes.apply(self._get_target_type)
return types
[docs] def select(self, target):
"""Selects one of the target variables.
target (str): The name of the target column.
lt (LabelTimes): A label times object that contains a single target.
Create a label times object that contains multiple target variables.
>>> entity = [0, 0, 1, 1]
>>> labels = [True, False, True, False]
>>> time = ['2020-01-01', '2020-01-02', '2020-01-03', '2020-01-04']
>>> data = {'entity': entity, 'time': time, 'A': labels, 'B': labels}
>>> lt = LabelTimes(data=data, target_entity='entity', target_columns=['A', 'B'])
>>> lt
entity time A B
0 0 2020-01-01 True True
1 0 2020-01-02 False False
2 1 2020-01-03 True True
3 1 2020-01-04 False False
Select a single target from the label times.
entity time B
0 0 2020-01-01 True
1 0 2020-01-02 False
2 1 2020-01-03 True
3 1 2020-01-04 False
assert not self._is_single_target, 'only one target exists'
if not isinstance(target, str): raise TypeError('target name must be string')
assert target in self.target_columns, 'target "%s" not found' % target
lt = self.copy()
lt.target_columns = [target]
lt.target_types = lt.target_types[[target]]
lt = lt[[self.target_entity, 'time', target]]
return lt
def settings(self):
"""Returns metadata about the label times."""
return {
'compose_version': __version__,
'schema_version': SCHEMA_VERSION,
'label_times': {
'target_entity': self.target_entity,
'target_columns': self.target_columns,
'target_types': self.target_types.to_dict(),
'search_settings': self.search_settings,
'transforms': self.transforms,
def is_discrete(self):
"""Whether labels are discrete."""
return self.target_types.eq('discrete')
def distribution(self):
"""Returns label distribution if labels are discrete."""
target_column = self.target_columns[0]
if self.is_discrete[target_column]:
labels = self.assign(count=1)
labels = labels.groupby(target_column)
distribution = labels['count'].count()
return distribution
def count(self):
"""Returns label count per instance."""
count = self.groupby(self.target_entity)
count = count[self.target_columns[0]].count()
count = count.to_frame('count')
return count
def count_by_time(self):
"""Returns label count across cutoff times."""
target_column = self.target_columns[0]
if self.is_discrete[target_column]:
keys = ['time', target_column]
value = self.groupby(keys).time.count()
value = value.unstack(target_column).fillna(0)
value = self.groupby('time')
value = value[target_column].count()
value = value.cumsum() # In Python 3.5, these values automatically convert to float.
value = value.astype('int')
return value
[docs] def describe(self):
"""Prints out the settings used to make the label times."""
if not self.empty:
[docs] def copy(self, deep=True):
"""Make a copy of this object's indices and data.
deep (bool): Make a deep copy, including a copy of the data and the indices.
With ``deep=False`` neither the indices nor the data are copied. Default is True.
lt (LabelTimes): A copy of the label times object.
lt = super().copy(deep=deep)
lt.target_entity = self.target_entity
lt.target_columns = self.target_columns
lt.target_types = self.target_types.copy()
lt.search_settings = self.search_settings.copy()
lt.transforms = self.transforms.copy()
return lt
[docs] def threshold(self, value, inplace=False):
"""Creates binary labels by testing if labels are above threshold.
value (float) : Value of threshold.
inplace (bool) : Modify labels in place.
labels (LabelTimes) : Instance of labels.
target_column = self.target_columns[0]
labels = self if inplace else self.copy()
labels[target_column] = labels[target_column].gt(value)
labels.target_types[target_column] = 'discrete'
transform = {'transform': 'threshold', 'value': value}
if not inplace:
return labels
[docs] def apply_lead(self, value, inplace=False):
"""Shifts the label times earlier for predicting in advance.
value (str) : Time to shift earlier.
inplace (bool) : Modify labels in place.
labels (LabelTimes) : Instance of labels.
labels = self if inplace else self.copy()
labels['time'] = labels['time'].sub(pd.Timedelta(value))
transform = {'transform': 'apply_lead', 'value': value}
if not inplace:
return labels
[docs] def bin(self, bins, quantiles=False, labels=None, right=True, precision=3):
"""Bin labels into discrete intervals.
bins (int or array): The criteria to bin by.
As an integer, the value can be the number of equal-width or quantile-based bins.
If :code:`quantiles` is False, the value is defined as the number of equal-width bins.
The range is extended by .1% on each side to include the minimum and maximum values.
If :code:`quantiles` is True, the value is defined as the number of quantiles (e.g. 10 for deciles, 4 for quartiles, etc.)
As an array, the value can be custom or quantile-based edges.
If :code:`quantiles` is False, the value is defined as bin edges allowing for non-uniform width. No extension is done.
If :code:`quantiles` is True, the value is defined as bin edges usings an array of quantiles (e.g. [0, .25, .5, .75, 1.] for quartiles)
quantiles (bool): Determines whether to use a quantile-based discretization function.
labels (array): Specifies the labels for the returned bins. Must be the same length as the resulting bins.
right (bool) : Indicates whether bins includes the rightmost edge or not. Does not apply to quantile-based bins.
precision (int): The precision at which to store and display the bins labels. Default value is 3.
LabelTimes : Instance of labels.
These are the target values for the examples.
>>> data = [226.93, 47.95, 283.46, 31.54]
>>> lt = LabelTimes({'target': data})
>>> lt
0 226.93
1 47.95
2 283.46
3 31.54
Bin values using equal-widths.
>>> lt.bin(2)
0 (157.5, 283.46]
1 (31.288, 157.5]
2 (157.5, 283.46]
3 (31.288, 157.5]
Bin values using custom-widths.
>>> lt.bin([0, 200, 400])
0 (200, 400]
1 (0, 200]
2 (200, 400]
3 (0, 200]
Bin values using infinite edges.
>>> lt.bin(['-inf', 100, 'inf'])
0 (100.0, inf]
1 (-inf, 100.0]
2 (100.0, inf]
3 (-inf, 100.0]
Bin values using quartiles.
>>> lt.bin(4, quantiles=True)
0 (137.44, 241.062]
1 (43.848, 137.44]
2 (241.062, 283.46]
3 (31.538999999999998, 43.848]
Bin values using custom quantiles with precision.
>>> lt.bin([0, .5, 1], quantiles=True, precision=1)
0 (137.4, 283.5]
1 (31.4, 137.4]
2 (137.4, 283.5]
3 (31.4, 137.4]
Assign labels to bins.
>>> lt.bin(2, labels=['low', 'high'])
0 high
1 low
2 high
3 low
""" # noqa
target_column = self.target_columns[0]
values = self[target_column].values
if quantiles:
values = pd.qcut(values, q=bins, labels=labels, precision=precision)
if isinstance(bins, list):
for i, edge in enumerate(bins):
if edge in ['-inf', 'inf']:
bins[i] = float(edge)
values = pd.cut(values, bins=bins, labels=labels, right=right, precision=precision)
transform = {
'transform': 'bin',
'bins': bins,
'quantiles': quantiles,
'labels': labels,
'right': right,
'precision': precision,
lt = self.copy()
lt[target_column] = values
lt.target_types[target_column] = 'discrete'
return lt
def _sample(self, key, value, settings, random_state=None, replace=False):
"""Returns a random sample of labels.
key (str) : Determines the sampling method. Can either be 'n' or 'frac'.
value (int or float) : Quantity to sample.
settings (dict) : Transform settings used for sampling.
random_state (int) : Seed for the random number generator.
replace (bool) : Sample with or without replacement. Default value is False.
LabelTimes : Random sample of labels.
sample = super().sample(random_state=random_state, replace=replace, **{key: value})
return sample
def _sample_per_label(self, key, value, settings, random_state=None, replace=False):
"""Returns a random sample per label.
key (str) : Determines the sampling method. Can either be 'n' or 'frac'.
value (dict) : Quantity to sample per label.
settings (dict) : Transform settings used for sampling.
random_state (int) : Seed for the random number generator.
replace (bool) : Sample with or without replacement. Default value is False.
LabelTimes : Random sample per label.
sample_per_label = []
target_column = self.target_columns[0]
for label, value, in value.items():
label = self[self[target_column] == label]
sample = label._sample(key, value, settings, random_state=random_state, replace=replace)
sample = pd.concat(sample_per_label, axis=0, sort=False)
return sample
[docs] def sample(self, n=None, frac=None, random_state=None, replace=False, per_instance=False):
"""Return a random sample of labels.
n (int or dict) : Sample number of labels. A dictionary returns
the number of samples to each label. Cannot be used with frac.
frac (float or dict) : Sample fraction of labels. A dictionary returns
the sample fraction to each label. Cannot be used with n.
random_state (int) : Seed for the random number generator.
replace (bool) : Sample with or without replacement. Default value is False.
per_instance (bool): Whether to apply sampling to each group. Default is False.
LabelTimes : Random sample of labels.
Create a label times object.
>>> entity = [0, 0, 1, 1]
>>> labels = [True, False, True, False]
>>> data = {'entity': entity, 'labels': labels}
>>> lt = LabelTimes(data=data, target_entity='entity', target_columns=['labels'])
>>> lt
entity labels
0 0 True
1 0 False
2 1 True
3 1 False
Sample a number of the examples.
>>> lt.sample(n=3, random_state=0)
entity labels
1 0 False
2 1 True
3 1 False
Sample a fraction of the examples.
>>> lt.sample(frac=.25, random_state=0)
entity labels
2 1 True
Sample a number of the examples for specific labels.
>>> n = {True: 1, False: 1}
>>> lt.sample(n=n, random_state=0)
entity labels
2 1 True
3 1 False
Sample a fraction of the examples for specific labels.
>>> frac = {True: .5, False: .5}
>>> lt.sample(frac=frac, random_state=0)
entity labels
2 1 True
3 1 False
Sample a number of the examples from each entity group.
>>> lt.sample(n={True: 1}, per_instance=True, random_state=0)
entity labels
0 0 True
2 1 True
Sample a fraction of the examples from each entity group.
>>> lt.sample(frac=.5, per_instance=True, random_state=0)
entity labels
1 0 False
3 1 False
""" # noqa
settings = {
'transform': 'sample',
'n': n,
'frac': frac,
'random_state': random_state,
'replace': replace,
'per_instance': per_instance,
key, value = ('n', n) if n else ('frac', frac)
assert value, "must set value for 'n' or 'frac'"
per_label = isinstance(value, dict)
method = '_sample_per_label' if per_label else '_sample'
def transform(lt):
sample = getattr(lt, method)(
return sample
if per_instance:
groupby = self.groupby(self.target_entity, group_keys=False)
sample = groupby.apply(transform)
sample = transform(self)
sample = sample.copy()
return sample
[docs] def equals(self, other, **kwargs):
"""Determines if two label time objects are the same.
other (LabelTimes) : Other label time object for comparison.
**kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to underlying pandas.DataFrame.equals method
bool : Whether label time objects are the same.
is_equal = super().equals(other, **kwargs)
is_equal &= self.settings == other.settings
return is_equal
def _save_settings(self, path):
"""Write the settings in json format to disk.
path (str) : Directory on disk to write to.
settings = self.settings
dtypes = self.dtypes.astype('str')
settings['dtypes'] = dtypes.to_dict()
file = os.path.join(path, 'settings.json')
with open(file, 'w') as file:
json.dump(settings, file)
[docs] def to_csv(self, path, save_settings=True, **kwargs):
"""Write label times in csv format to disk.
path (str) : Location on disk to write to (will be created as a directory).
save_settings (bool) : Whether to save the settings used to make the label times.
**kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to underlying pandas.DataFrame.to_csv method
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
file = os.path.join(path, 'data.csv')
super().to_csv(file, index=False, **kwargs)
if save_settings:
[docs] def to_parquet(self, path, save_settings=True, **kwargs):
"""Write label times in parquet format to disk.
path (str) : Location on disk to write to (will be created as a directory).
save_settings (bool) : Whether to save the settings used to make the label times.
**kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to underlying pandas.DataFrame.to_parquet method
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
file = os.path.join(path, 'data.parquet')
super().to_parquet(file, compression=None, engine='auto', **kwargs)
if save_settings:
[docs] def to_pickle(self, path, save_settings=True, **kwargs):
"""Write label times in pickle format to disk.
path (str) : Location on disk to write to (will be created as a directory).
save_settings (bool) : Whether to save the settings used to make the label times.
**kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to underlying pandas.DataFrame.to_pickle method
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
file = os.path.join(path, 'data.pickle')
super().to_pickle(file, **kwargs)
if save_settings:
# ----------------------------------------
# Subclassing Pandas Data Frame
# ----------------------------------------
_metadata = [
def __finalize__(self, other, method=None, **kwargs):
"""Propagate metadata from other label times data frames.
other (LabelTimes) : The label times from which to get the attributes from.
method (str) : A passed method name for optionally taking different types of propagation actions based on this value.
if method == 'concat':
other = other.objs[0]
for key in self._metadata:
value = getattr(other, key, None)
setattr(self, key, value)
return self
return super().__finalize__(other=other, method=method, **kwargs)
def _constructor(self):
return LabelTimes