Source code for composeml.label_maker

from sys import stdout

import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm

from composeml.data_slice import DataSlice, DataSliceContext
from composeml.label_search import ExampleSearch, LabelSearch
from composeml.label_times import LabelTimes
from composeml.offsets import to_offset
from composeml.utils import can_be_type

def cutoff_data(df, threshold):
    """Cuts off data before the threshold.

        df (DataFrame): Data frame to cutoff data.
        threshold (int or str or Timestamp): Threshold to apply on data.
            If integer, the threshold will be the time at `n + 1` in the index.
            If string, the threshold can be an offset or timestamp.
            An offset will be applied relative to the first time in the index.

        df, cutoff_time (tuple(DataFrame, Timestamp)): Returns the data frame and the applied cutoff time.
    if isinstance(threshold, int):
        assert threshold > 0, 'threshold must be greater than zero'
        df = df.iloc[threshold:]

        if df.empty:
            return df, None

        cutoff_time = df.index[0]

    elif isinstance(threshold, str):
        if can_be_type(type=pd.tseries.frequencies.to_offset, string=threshold):
            threshold = pd.tseries.frequencies.to_offset(threshold)
            assert threshold.n > 0, 'threshold must be greater than zero'
            cutoff_time = df.index[0] + threshold

        elif can_be_type(type=pd.Timestamp, string=threshold):
            cutoff_time = pd.Timestamp(threshold)

            raise ValueError('invalid threshold')

        is_timestamp = isinstance(threshold, pd.Timestamp)
        assert is_timestamp, 'invalid threshold'
        cutoff_time = threshold

    if cutoff_time != df.index[0]:
        df = df[df.index >= cutoff_time]

        if df.empty:
            return df, None

    return df, cutoff_time

[docs]class LabelMaker: """Automatically makes labels for prediction problems."""
[docs] def __init__(self, target_entity, time_index, labeling_function=None, window_size=None, label_type=None): """Creates an instance of label maker. Args: target_entity (str): Entity on which to make labels. time_index (str): Name of time column in the data frame. labeling_function (function or list(function) or dict(str=function)): Function, list of functions, or dictionary of functions that transform a data slice. When set as a dictionary, the key is used as the name of the labeling function. window_size (str or int): Duration of each data slice. The default value for window size is all future data. """ self._set_window_size(window_size) self.labeling_function = labeling_function self.target_entity = target_entity self.time_index = time_index
def _set_window_size(self, window_size): """Set and format initial window size parameter. Args: window_size (str or int): Duration of each data slice. The default value for window size is all future data. """ if window_size is not None: window_size = to_offset(window_size) self.window_size = window_size def _name_labeling_function(self, function): """Gets the names of the labeling functions.""" has_name = hasattr(function, '__name__') return function.__name__ if has_name else type(function).__name__ def _check_labeling_function(self, function, name=None): """Checks whether the labeling function is callable.""" assert callable(function), 'labeling function must be callabe' return function @property def labeling_function(self): """Gets the labeling function(s).""" return self._labeling_function @labeling_function.setter def labeling_function(self, value): """Sets and formats the intial labeling function(s). Args: value (function or list(function) or dict(str=function)): Function that transforms a data slice to a label. """ if isinstance(value, dict): for name, function in value.items(): self._check_labeling_function(function) assert isinstance(name, str), 'labeling function name must be string' if callable(value): value = [value] if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): value = {self._name_labeling_function(function): self._check_labeling_function(function) for function in value} assert isinstance(value, dict), 'value type for labeling function not supported' self._labeling_function = value def _slice(self, df, gap=None, min_data=None, drop_empty=True): """Generate data slices for a group. Args: df (DataFrame): Data frame to generate data slices. gap (str or int): Time between examples. Default value is window size. If an integer, search will start on the first event after the minimum data. min_data (int or str or Timestamp): Threshold to cutoff data. drop_empty (bool): Whether to drop empty slices. Default value is True. Returns: df_slice (generator): Returns a generator of data slices. """ df = df.loc[df.index.notnull()] assert df.index.is_monotonic_increasing, "Please sort your dataframe chronologically before calling search" if df.empty: return threshold = min_data or df.index[0] df, cutoff_time = cutoff_data(df=df, threshold=threshold) if df.empty: return if isinstance(gap, int): cutoff_time = df.index[0] df = DataSlice(df) df.context = DataSliceContext(slice_number=0, target_entity=self.target_entity) def iloc(index, i): if i < index.size: return index[i] while not df.empty and cutoff_time <= df.index[-1]: if isinstance(self.window_size, int): df_slice = df.iloc[:self.window_size] window_end = iloc(df.index, self.window_size) else: window_end = cutoff_time + self.window_size df_slice = df[:window_end] # Pandas includes both endpoints when slicing by time. # This results in the right endpoint overlapping in consecutive data slices. # Resolved by making the right endpoint exclusive. # if not df_slice.empty: overlap = df_slice.index == window_end if overlap.any(): df_slice = df_slice[~overlap] df_slice.context.window = (cutoff_time, window_end) if isinstance(gap, int): gap_end = iloc(df.index, gap) = (cutoff_time, gap_end) df = df.iloc[gap:] if not df.empty: cutoff_time = df.index[0] else: gap_end = cutoff_time + gap = (cutoff_time, gap_end) cutoff_time += gap if cutoff_time <= df.index[-1]: df = df[cutoff_time:] if df_slice.empty and drop_empty: continue df.context.slice_number += 1 yield df_slice
[docs] def slice(self, df, num_examples_per_instance, minimum_data=None, gap=None, drop_empty=True, verbose=False): """Generates data slices of target entity. Args: df (DataFrame): Data frame to create slices on. num_examples_per_instance (int): Number of examples per unique instance of target entity. minimum_data (str): Minimum data before starting search. Default value is first time of index. gap (str or int): Time between examples. Default value is window size. If an integer, search will start on the first event after the minimum data. drop_empty (bool): Whether to drop empty slices. Default value is True. verbose (bool): Whether to print metadata about slice. Default value is False. Returns: ds (generator): Returns a generator of data slices. """ self._check_example_count(num_examples_per_instance, gap) self.window_size = self.window_size or len(df) gap = to_offset(gap or self.window_size) groups = self.set_index(df).groupby(self.target_entity) if num_examples_per_instance == -1: num_examples_per_instance = float('inf') for key, df in groups: slices = self._slice(df=df, gap=gap, min_data=minimum_data, drop_empty=drop_empty) for ds in slices: ds.context.target_instance = key if verbose: print(ds) yield ds if ds.context.slice_number >= num_examples_per_instance: break
@property def _bar_format(self): """Template to format the progress bar during a label search.""" value = "Elapsed: {elapsed} | " value += "Remaining: {remaining} | " value += "Progress: {l_bar}{bar}| " value += self.target_entity + ": {n}/{total} " return value def _run_search(self, df, search, gap=None, min_data=None, drop_empty=True, verbose=True, *args, **kwargs): """Search implementation to make label records. Args: df (DataFrame): Data frame to search and extract labels. search (LabelSearch or ExampleSearch): The type of search to be done. min_data (str): Minimum data before starting search. Default value is first time of index. gap (str or int): Time between examples. Default value is window size. If an integer, search will start on the first event after the minimum data. drop_empty (bool): Whether to drop empty slices. Default value is True. verbose (bool): Whether to render progress bar. Default value is True. *args: Positional arguments for labeling function. **kwargs: Keyword arguments for labeling function. Returns: records (list(dict)): Label Records """ entity_groups = self.set_index(df).groupby(self.target_entity) multiplier = search.expected_count if search.is_finite else 1 total = entity_groups.ngroups * multiplier progress_bar, records = tqdm( total=total, bar_format=self._bar_format, disable=not verbose, file=stdout, ), [] def missing_examples(entity_count): return entity_count * search.expected_count - progress_bar.n for entity_count, group in enumerate(entity_groups): entity_id, df = group slices = self._slice( df=df, gap=gap, min_data=min_data, drop_empty=drop_empty, ) for ds in slices: items = self.labeling_function.items() labels = {name: lf(ds, *args, **kwargs) for name, lf in items} valid_labels = search.is_valid_labels(labels) if not valid_labels: continue records.append({ self.target_entity: entity_id, 'time': ds.context.window[0], **labels, }) search.update_count(labels) # if finite search, progress bar is updated for each example found if search.is_finite: progress_bar.update(n=1) if search.is_complete: break # if finite search, progress bar is updated for examples not found # otherwise, progress bar is updated for each entity group n = missing_examples(entity_count + 1) if search.is_finite else 1 progress_bar.update(n=n) search.reset_count() total -= progress_bar.n progress_bar.update(n=total) progress_bar.close() return records def _check_example_count(self, num_examples_per_instance, gap): """Checks whether example count corresponds to data slices.""" if self.window_size is None and gap is None: more_than_one = num_examples_per_instance > 1 assert not more_than_one, "must specify gap if num_examples > 1 and window size = none"
[docs] def search(self, df, num_examples_per_instance, minimum_data=None, gap=None, drop_empty=True, label_type=None, verbose=True, *args, **kwargs): """Searches the data to calculates labels. Args: df (DataFrame): Data frame to search and extract labels. num_examples_per_instance (int or dict): The expected number of examples to return from each entity group. A dictionary can be used to further specify the expected number of examples to return from each label. minimum_data (str): Minimum data before starting search. Default value is first time of index. gap (str or int): Time between examples. Default value is window size. If an integer, search will start on the first event after the minimum data. drop_empty (bool): Whether to drop empty slices. Default value is True. label_type (str): The label type can be "continuous" or "categorical". Default value is the inferred label type. verbose (bool): Whether to render progress bar. Default value is True. *args: Positional arguments for labeling function. **kwargs: Keyword arguments for labeling function. Returns: lt (LabelTimes): Calculated labels with cutoff times. """ assert self.labeling_function, 'missing labeling function(s)' self._check_example_count(num_examples_per_instance, gap) self.window_size = self.window_size or len(df) gap = to_offset(gap or self.window_size) is_label_search = isinstance(num_examples_per_instance, dict) search = (LabelSearch if is_label_search else ExampleSearch)(num_examples_per_instance) records = self._run_search( df=df, search=search, gap=gap, min_data=minimum_data, drop_empty=drop_empty, verbose=verbose, *args, **kwargs, ) lt = LabelTimes( data=records, target_columns=list(self.labeling_function), target_entity=self.target_entity, search_settings={ 'num_examples_per_instance': num_examples_per_instance, 'minimum_data': str(minimum_data), 'window_size': str(self.window_size), 'gap': str(gap), }, ) return lt
[docs] def set_index(self, df): """Sets the time index in a data frame (if not already set). Args: df (DataFrame): Data frame to set time index in. Returns: df (DataFrame): Data frame with time index set. """ if != self.time_index: df = df.set_index(self.time_index) if 'time' not in str(df.index.dtype): df.index = df.index.astype('datetime64[ns]') return df